

It is an important moment for parents / carers. Prior to the official day of care, we agree on days to adjust. The purpose of the adjustment process is that your child gets used to the new environment.

The first moment lasts from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. If you need other times, this is possible in consultation. The second moment is from 10:00 - 15:00 and takes a little longer. Your child experiences a meal and a sleeping moment. We will keep you informed of the progress by telephone and / or via the app. You can of course also call or text us to ask questions about how your child is doing. In the run-up to the adjustment moments, you will receive an adjustment letter.

Sick children

In the interest of all children

If your child is sick it is recommended to keep him or her at home. If your child becomes ill at the daycare, we ask you to pick him or her up as soon as possible. A sick child deserves extra attention and care that we cannot provide.

A child is diagnosed with us as sick when there is a body temperature of at least 38.5 degrees, open blisters, a cold sore, chicken pox or other types of diseases where we look at the state of mind of the child.

Complaints policy

You may not be satisfied with Pinguïns Happy Home. If this is the case, we ask that the complaint be submitted internally so that it can be discussed with the responsible person at the reception. The employee will try to resolve the complaint in consultation with you.

If, in your opinion, the complaint has not been handled properly, or if you do not want to contact the employee concerned, you can contact the manager of Pinguïns Happy Home. She will try to find a solution in collaboration with you and the relevant pedagogical employee. If you are nevertheless not satisfied, you can also appeal to the parents' committee. If this is not sufficient to resolve the complaint, you can submit the complaint to the Disputes Committee for Kindergarten Playgroups.

Complaints procedure

Open communication and The Disputes Committee.

We do everything we can to build a relationship with the parents (and their children) in which they do not feel inhibited in the event of complaints or other dissatisfaction, to discuss these in all openness with the employee, policy staff or manager.

Of course we hope that the Disputes Committee should not be called in, but if it comes to that, the complaint can be submitted via the website

Our complaints procedure can be viewed on location.


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Contact details

Daycare Pinguïns Happy Home
Van Bijnkershoeklaan 328
3527 XL Utrecht
+31(0)6 42 51 09 56

We are ready!

Our pedagogical staff is ready to make it an enjoyable experience for your child.

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